We seek companionship with God, each other and those we meet along the way.
Sunday 9 February - 4th before Lent​
10.00 am Holy Communion - in church and streamed on YouTube. Activities for children are provided during the sermon or presentation..
Wednesday 5 February
10.00 am Holy Communion; in church and streamed on YouTube.
St Anne's church building is open for private prayer every Sunday and Wednesday 9 am till 4 pm.
We live stream our services. Search for St Anne's Sale on YouTube: just need to go to www.youtube.com, enter "St Anne's Sale" in the Search box and choose the relevant service from the many shown.
Giving to St Anne's
We welcome donations: click on the link to go to our giving page. Thank you
St Anne’s takes its duty and obligation to protect all, extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.
If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information on the Chester Diocese website here. Our local contact is: safeguarding.stannessale@gmail.com.