St Anne's Church and Community hall need upgrading to become more Flexible, Accessible and Sustainable.
This project has been a long standing ambition of our Church community and we are now at the exciting point of being able to realise those, previously only dreamt of, ideas.
The project is being managed by a team drawn from the congregation. This team reports to the PCC and will consult with the congregation on key decisions.
We are presently waiting for planning permission for some of our work on St Anne's Church and for the redevelopment of the St Francis site. You can see details of the application to Trafford for the church here including our appeal submission here. And the planning application for St Francis can be found here.
We welcome donations to help our work. You can donate via St. Anne's Donation Page and choose "Future Foundations" from the drop-down list​.
You can also help by:
Joining in our fundraising activities or, even better, run your own.
Using corporate "matched giving" from your company when you support fund raising activities.
Applying to your company if they are willing to donate to community projects.
Providing your professional skills to support the project free.
For any of the above please contact sarah.kostiuk@gmail.com
Want to know more?
The Project Team
Alison Cox - Vicar
Pauline Stacey - Churchwarden
Andrew Egarr - Churchwarden
Jenny Egarr
Sarah Kostiuk-Smith
David Thomas
Lucy Bolton - Project accountant
Barbara Abell
Lynda Bywater
Olwyn Marlow - Assistant Vicar