Activities for Adults

Our choir is a four-part choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) and we are gradually building it up again after Covid restrictions which included a prohibition on singing in church.
There is a splendid two-manual Wadsworth tracker organ in the church and organists are kept busy playing for weddings and funerals as well as for Sunday services.
For more information email

Mothers' Union
MU is a Christian mission organisation working in 83 countries with people of all faiths and none; it provides a network for us to serve Christ worldwide as well as in our own communities.
Here at St. Anne’s our meetings are informal and visitor-friendly; we enjoy each other's company and encourage one another as active members of St. Anne's church family. New members are very welcome. We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at 8.00pm in the Church Hall, sometimes with guest speakers. We also have a monthly Prayer Group that meets usually on the 4th Monday of the month in a member's home.
We pray; volunteer; fund-raise for MU projects overseas and in the UK as well as support local needs. Each year we sponsor the "Moira Garnett Prize" - a public speaking project currently running in St Anne's School's Year 5.
Despite the name, our 4 million members are not all mothers or even all women. We are single; married; parents; grandparents; or young adults just beginning to express a social conscience. We campaign nationally and internationally for social justice for those on the margins and for greater recognition of the value of stable family relationships.
For more information:
Branch contacts:
Jackie Sheldon -
Carol Thomas-

​​Church Fellowship
We now hold a monthly coffee morning, generally on the second Thursday morning of each month. For more information, phone 0161 962 8946.
Overseas Group
The aim of the Overseas Group is to develop the relationship between our parish and congregation and the world wide church in mission. The set of values in our ‘Givings’ policy led us to partner with three mission agencies on a long term basis. It’s our job to ensure a lively engagement through prayer, practical and financial support and to broaden our insight into what it means to be Jesus Shaped People. Our Mission partners are our local Trafford Youth for Christ, the Bible Society (an Open the Book team has been set up with local churches to take Bible stories into primary schools) and United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG) and through them we are a Partner in Mission with ‘Education for Change’ and the Church of Ceylon. We also support a mission agency or charity on a short term basis; from 2019 for three years this is the Sale Churches debt service.
In addition, we are responsible for developing our link with the Boaz Trust who support destitute asylum seekers in Manchester, and for fulfilling our commitment as a fair-trade parish. A small, separate team "Traidcraft St Anne's" run a fairtrade outlet with a stall fortnightly in the Church Hall and at occasional events.
We are a dynamic and creative team and take any and every opportunity to encourage our parish and congregation to share in God’s Mission.
Christian home study group
We have a number of home groups that explore the Christian faith. If you would like to know more, their times and days, please phone 0161 973 4145 or look on the weekly Inspiration sheet.
Book Group
Do you read and never have a chance to talk about it? The Book Group is your opportunity to read and talk! We meet on Mondays at about 6 weekly intervals. Books are chosen from the Church Times and elsewhere and cover a variety of genres. For more information, email